Sunday, February 8, 2015

Temporary Phases of Reduced Cold Water Pressure

A maintenance issue that is difficult to replicate: sometimes, when someone in the building flushes their toilet, or uses the shower (or ?something?), our cold water pressure throughout the entire apartment is cut dramatically. If this happens while you're washing dishes, it's practically a burn hazard as the hot water takes over almost completely. In the video below, I show the rather large difference between the cold water pressure and hot water pressure during one of these temporary depressions. After some amount of time (suspiciously the amount of time it takes for a toilet water tank to refill), the cold water pressure usually returns to normal. That is, until someone else in the building flushes a toilet.

The water pressure didn't always use to do this. We suspect it started happening sometime in September 2013, after the loud rattling pipes were fixed.

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