Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fixed: Bathroom Leak #1

After having a Forward Management maintenance guy at my apartment while I was absent, nothing happened. The maintenance man thought my complaint about the steaming/boiling light fixture was about the light switch. There was nothing wrong with the light switch. It is the light FIXTURE.

I called Forward Management during the day when the leak was happening, the maintenance guy came over in 15 minutes, and said it would be fixed. Forward Management fixed the molding/wilted ceiling paint with some spackle and another coat of paint. The maintenance guy also talked to my upstairs neighbor. Perhaps he is improperly using his shower head?

We'll see how long this lasts.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Bathroom Leak #1

The ceiling leak appears, directly above the shower curtain pole where the wall meets the ceiling. The leak occurs EVERY SINGLE TIME my upstairs neighbor takes a shower.

The video needs to be rotated 90 degrees. However, in it you can see that the leaking water drips DIRECTLY into the light fixture, causing bubbles and steam to rise out of the light. I will be calling Forward Management with a complaint...

See the other bathroom leaks: [1], [2], [3], [4], and [5].

Photo and video taken on 10/16/2008.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bathroom, without the Leak

Notice the bathroom, without any ceiling leaks. The leak will appear above the mirror, where the wall meets the ceiling. Typically, directly above the shower curtain pole.
My apartment is managed by:
Forward Management
5440 5th Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15232-2273
(412) 687-3777
Photo taken 8/16/2008.