Monday, November 15, 2010

Forward Management Pittsburgh - Not-So-Past-Due Rent

A few days ago, I got the following 'Past Due' rent notification from Forward Management, indicating that my rent was more than 5 days past due and that I now owed them $50 in fines. However, I don't pay my rent, my bank does so automatically: every month, on the same day. So, I knew for a fact that my rent was not late, and if it were, it would be my bank's fault.

I called the Forward Management secretary, and she claimed I still owed money. So, I printed off a bunch of stuff from my online bank account (like a copy of the check they deposited, a copy of my bank statement showing when the money was withdrawn from my account, etc). The next day, the office manager called saying that I was correct, nothing was overdue.

I'm guessing this mix-up had to do with the fact that they addressed the letter to Apartment #104 (not my apartment number). Maybe they mixed up names and apartment numbers? I'm getting so tired of having to jump through hoops.