Monday, February 28, 2011

The Return of the Bathroom Ceiling Leak (thanks for failing me, Pittsburgh Forward Management)

Remember me calling Forward Management about the leak in my bathroom ceiling, every time my upstairs neighbor takes a shower? Remember the first time? How about the second time? Or the third? Maybe the fourth time? Or, the last time, which was January 19th, 2010 (a year ago)?

Well, I'm calling again. Because, it's happening again and Forward Management Pittsburgh seems incapable of fixing this properly. Although, the last fix did work for about a year. Well, for that entire year, the leak was still occurring, it just wasn't showing. You can tell, because all the dry wall around the leak is rotted and soft, hence the larger hole in the photo below:

The water comes out of that little tiny hole near the ceiling, and then drips down...

...drips down past the light fixture, and continues further downwards... drips further downwards, until the water pools on my sink, cup holder, and in a particularly nasty space on the floor (I'll spare you the photo). The water brings a lot of dirt/debris with it, so I'm stuck cleaning my sink on a semi-daily basis.

Maybe you'd like to see a video of what I'm dealing with? Here it is:

I'd like to point out that by poking one spot on the wall, you can make another spot inflate. Walls are not supposed to inflate.

[Edit 3/1/11: I left a message on Forward Management Pittsburgh's answering machine, leaving a maintenance request.]
[Edit 3/2/11: Returned home from campus and found a message from maintenance saying they would return later.]
[Edit 3/3/11: Maintenance returned the next morning, I explained that the leak happens when the upstairs neighbor showers/bathes (for the gazillionth time). They proceeded to do something upstairs, but didn't fix any of the damage in my bathroom.]

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