I thought that by wearing pants and socks around the apartment that I would avoid being bitten to pieces. I was wrong. These all appeared yesterday (although the photos are not all-inclusive).
Even as I sit here writing this post, I just caught another flea biting my arm. It's in the bag with its brother. The apartment has been treated with Diatomaceous earth on my own dime. 'Should hopefully destroy them in a week. I'll still have to call the landlord to get an exterminator in. This is awful.
I have never had fleas in an apartment before, so I do not know where these are coming from. We do not have pets, so the fleas must come from the building itself or possibly neighbors with untreated cats.
Do you have any pets?. If not you could have flea bombed your apartment. It takes a couple of hours but it works wonders. Also if you have a pet frontline would work just as well. I ised to live at their pine tree gardens apartments until sept. I lived there for 5 years. They only did maintenance for one until they got rid of that manager. I had a crater in my bathroom they never repaired for 4 years. I had black mold for 2.5-3 years. Their steps were so dilapidated, I fell throw them several times taking out the trash even braking my ribs one occasion. Finally about 6 months before I took a header from the very top step. I had to crawl through the mud and glass back to my apartment. When I reported it to forward management they asked if I threw the trash in the dumpster, and not about the bloody trail back to my apartment. This is only one of the many stories I can tell you about
ReplyDeleteDemetrius Earth is good. I had exterminator come for fleas. My dog got them from yard ( stray cats). After bathing dog and him out of house exterminator came. I did clean , vacuum, spray other stuff. As soon as dog came back boom see one on him. So I did everything above include make a spray from 1part witch hazel 1 part water, 1 tablespoon neem oil, 10 drops rosemary essential oil and 10 eucalyptus. Guess what one flea on dog. Put him in chair secluded. Sprayed it on couch , the chair he was on chair, dog wasn't allowed in bed. In front porch and back yard. Continued using and never saw a flea again. Demetrius was in carpet and kitchen floor too. But I don't think the chemicals worked they hate Rosemary, mint, pepper mint and of course eucalyptus. Neem oil know bug repellent natural and lice. Forward sounds like they got to much work and not enough help. They put there residents to work!! Haha . Sure could use some better pictures like yours. Good way to promote them since no media presence. They should hire you:)