Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Biting Bug Problem

Bug bites from Forward Management Pittsburgh apartment (right foot).
I haven't left the apartment in two days, but I somehow ended up with ~10 new bug bites all over my legs and feet. This has been happening off and on since I moved in this month, but these past two days have been terrible. All the photos show bites that have occurred in the apartment in the last two days (i.e., labeled "new"), and scars from older bites (labeled "old").

I've checked my mattress for bed bug evidence and haven't seen any fleas. However, the upstairs neighbor has multiple cats, so it's possible these are fleas, it's just an early infestation and we haven't caught any yet. I put out some DIY flea traps, but didn't catch anything.

'Called the Forward Management Pittsburgh today and they said the whole building was treated before we moved in and the exterminator wanted to do a follow-up. Apparently other units have been having similar complaints over the past few months. They'll put up fliers before doing their autumn extermination follow-up.

Bug bites from Forward Management Pittsburgh apartment (left hip).

Bug bites from Forward Management Pittsburgh apartment (right calf).

1 comment:

  1. Cats are gross. Why they allow cats but not dogs. Nasty . Weirdos
